WJ Gregg & Son Ltd - Est 1875

Internal signage systems
We are proud to offer a great range of modular signage systems which will work for every wayfinding space. WJ Gregg & Son have an extensive range of high quality materials to offer, all developed to offer easy interchangeability.

WJ Gregg Modular 2020
WJ Gregg & Son Ltd, Modular 2020 interchangeable system, is the go-to product for versatility and slimline design. It is available in numerous depths and sizes to suit any area within a wayfinding scheme.
If you would like any information on this stunning system, please do email us as we would be delighted to help.

WJ Gregg Modular 2020, Free/engaged signage system
This slimline Free/Engraved 2020 Modular interchangeable sign.

WJ Gregg Modular 2021
Square paper insert
Modular 2021, is a great paper insert system, which makes it really accessible for sectors such as Education and Leisure, where information is constantly changing. Just print the paper insert and place it the sign. A simple suction pad allows easy removal of the protective light acrylic covering.

WJ Gregg Modular 2021
Curved paper insert
A modular 2021 paper insert system, is also available in a curved profile. For product information on both the paper insert signage systems, please do email us.

WJ Gregg Modular 2021
Block signage system
The simplistic yet great design of our stainless steel block system makes it a real talking point. The interchangeable section can be in a variety of finishes. Easily changeable with a discrete allan key placement, this system can be used for projecting, door, and hanging signage.

WJ Gregg Modular 2021
Block signage system
The etched interchangeable glass makes a great feature, with the standard block to the bottom.

WJ Gregg Modular 2022 Directory unit
This stunning 3D printed directory is proving extremely popular. Solid aluminum bars hold 3D printed text which is completely interchangeable. We are very excited about this new product and if you require any information please do contact us.

WJ Gregg - Icon and text signage.
WJ Gregg has worked on developing a set of Icons that complement the new 2022 directory signage. Shown here they are simplistic and modern.
Survey, Design, Manufacture, Installation
A dedicated Project Manager will be allocated to your signage project from design to installation stage.